How Americans for Prosperity is uniting with communities, businesses, and policymakers to combat COVID-19

Apr 1, 2020 by AFP

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, everyone has something to contribute to help meet the crisis.

Activists, businesses, and lawmakers all have a role to play in protecting public health, ensuring greater access to care for vulnerable patients, and allowing for communities to come together to adapt and innovate to help the people and institutions affected by COVID-19.

Our activists are working with state and federal lawmakers to enact policies that expand health care options and address the sudden economic downturn.

They’re also part of the communities and businesses coming together in extraordinary ways to care for each other in this moment of need.

We will be updating this page with the efforts and initiatives of activists and partners in response to COVID-19.

Join the Health Care Reimagined campaign to drive health care solutions in the wake of COVID-19 – The coronavirus pandemic is exposing a tragic reality: America’s health care system is preventing doctors, nurses, and medical researchers from helping people. Sign on to Health Care Reimagined, the campaign to lift barriers to better care and save lives during this crisis while strengthening American health care for the future. Updated May 11, 2020

Learn what some senators think about state bailout proposals – Senators David Perdue and Ron  Johnson joined Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips and CEO Emily Seidel for a discussion about why state bailout proposals are a bad idea. Updated May 8, 2020

Read Americans for Prosperity’s letter to congressional leaders urging them to reject state bailout proposals – Americans for Prosperity, Concerned Veterans for America, and the LIBRE Initiative have sent a coalition letter to Congress urging it to reject proposals for the federal government to provide hundreds of billions in funds to states and localities to backstop their spending during the time of coronavirus. Lawmakers should avoid policymaking by crisis and instead embrace sound policies will help America through the current pandemic. Updated April 30, 2020

Find out how South Carolina businesses are stepping up to serve their communities in response to the coronavirus – South Carolina’s business leaders are joining forces with communities to provide meals, donate medical equipment, and keep their local economies afloat. Here are four ways they’re doing just that. Updated April 7, 2020

Discover ten ways Tennessee is preparing to respond to COVID-19 – Governor Bill Lee has issued an executive order instituting several reforms that will expand access to critical health care services and needed supplies. Here are ten ways this executive order is removing barriers for Tennesseans during the COVID-19 crisis. Updated April 7, 2020

Learn how telemedicine can save lives during the pandemic – In Virginia, telemedicine will save lives during the COVID-19 crisis. Read AFP-Virginia State Director J.C. Hernandez’s op-ed explaining how it can save more if barriers are lifted permanently. Updated April 4, 2020

Watch Tim Phillips discuss his phone call with Vice President Mike Pence to discuss the administration’s blueprint for combating COVID-19 – Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips spoke with the vice president to discuss “30 Days to Slow the Virus,” the administration’s plan to slow the spread of the coronavirus in America. Watch Phillips talk about the plan’s recommendations for avoiding infection and highlight the nation’s heroes who are keeping us going during this crisis. Updated April 3, 2020

Learn about what can be done to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in prisons and jails across America – Incarcerated individuals are one of the most vulnerable populations susceptible to COVID-19. In this letter, Americans for Prosperity Board Member Mark Holden makes several recommendations to policymakers and community leaders concerning what they can do to protect those within the criminal justice system during the coronavirus pandemic. Updated March 31, 2020

Read: How businesses can best serve people during the coronavirus pandemic – Businesses are in a unique position to adapt and innovate to get help to the people who need it, while protecting public health. The Stand Together community, of which Americans for Prosperity is a part, has issued an open letter outlining four principles to guide decisions about how businesses can respond to COVID-19. Updated March 27, 2020

Find out what Congress’ coronavirus rescue bill is all about – Read our interview with Americans for Prosperity Policy Manager Matt Dickerson, who discusses Congress’ coronavirus rescue bill and how the economic slowdown caused by the pandemic differs from the slowdown in 2008-2009. Updated March 27, 2020

Listen to Americans for Prosperity’s COVID-19 teletownhall – Americans need timely, targeted relief. Listen as Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips, CEO Emily Seidel, and Chief Government Affairs Officer Brent Gardner talk to activists about how federal and state responses to the coronavirus pandemic are shaping up. Updated March 25, 2020

Read about why open government and transparency are crucial in times of crisis – Access to regular and reliable information plays a vital role in empowering Americans during a crisis. Read the statement on accountability and transparency that Americans for Prosperity’s sister organization, Americans for Prosperity Foundation, has co-signed with 100 other organizations calling on state and local officials to confirm their commitment to their constituents by embracing open government in times of emergency. Updated March 20, 2020

Learn how North Dakota is positioned to weather the coronavirus pandemic – Governor Doug Burgum has taken emergency action to expand access to health care. Read Americans for Prosperity’s letter to the governor thanking him for his effective leadership and explaining how these reforms will benefit North Dakotans during this crisis. Updated March 20, 2020

Learn how Georgia is positioned to weather the coronavirus pandemic – Governor Brian Kemp has taken emergency action to expand access to health care in Georgia. Read Americans for Prosperity’s letter to the governor thanking him for these reforms and explaining how they will benefit Georgians during this crisis. Updated March 19, 2020

Read Americans for Prosperity’s letter to Congress on COVID-19   Congress’ COVID-19 response should be targeted, temporary, and free from politics. That’s what Americans for Prosperity, Concerned Veterans for America, and the LIBRE Initiative shared with lawmakers in a joint letter. Read the full letter to learn more about the essential criteria that should govern any congressional response. Updated March 17, 2020

Discover which state-based reforms can help address COVID-19 – Americans for Prosperity has issued a guidance memo for state-based reforms that policymakers should adopt to respond to the spread of COVID-19 and expand access to critical health care services. Learn what digital tools are available to the public and what restrictions lawmakers should lift to make sure those who need care receive it. Updated March 17, 2020

Learn about the steps Iowa took to be positioned for COVID-19  – Governor Kim Reynolds issued an executive order that expands access to health care on many fronts. Read more about these reforms and how they will enable Iowans to weather this pandemic. Updated March 17, 2020