In his State of the Union address last week, President Biden declared:
“I ran for president to fundamentally change things, to make sure the economy works for everyone so we can all feel pride in what we do. To build an economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not from the top down.”
Yet most of President Biden’s proposed policies are just that — top-down ideas that are failing to expand freedom and opportunity.
How do we know? From what we saw this past year during our True Cost of Washington Tour, the president’s policies haven’t helped “build the economy from the bottom up and the middle out” — because you told us so.
We saw the struggles that rising inflation and low paying jobs caused for people. As our True Cost road team traveled from gas stations to grocery stores to restaurants and other small businesses across the country, numerous Americans shared stories of how they were struggling to keep up with rising costs.
Here are a few stories:
These stories of economic hardship — high prices making it hard to just get by — are backed up by data showing not all the president’s claims made in his State of the Union address are true.
In his address, President Biden said,
“Inflation has been a global problem because of the pandemic that disrupted supply chains and Putin’s war that disrupted energy and food prices.”
But we know this isn’t entirely true.
Other related claims by the president during his speech deserve closer scrutiny:
Our conclusion? While inflation is “coming down” from the state the Biden administration’s policies elevated it to, living in America is still far too expensive.
Not only does this economy not “work for everyone”, but it also doesn’t serve anyone well. And this administration’s policies certainly are not bottom up or middle out.
Biden did get one thing right, however.
“We are not powerless before the forces that confront us. It is within our power, of We the People. We are facing the test of our time and the time for choosing is at hand.”
The time for choosing is at hand, for us and our lawmakers.
Will the president double down on pushing extreme policies that hurt our ability to get out of this economic crisis?
Will Congress forgo partisanship and toxic political theater and instead pass real, effective solutions that put America on the path to prosperity again?
Will you fight alongside us and concerned citizens across the country to pass the policies that will benefit your community and our country?
Join us in holding lawmakers accountable for making life more affordable for all Americans.
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