Elected officials in Colorado must remain focused on the well-being of all Coloradans – whether it’s expanding choice in education and health care, reforming our occupational licensing and criminal justice laws, lowering taxes or promoting responsible energy policy, our elected officials should help drive economic growth and opportunity for all Coloradans to reach their full potential.
We can’t lose sight of why we’re all here— the people.
State Representative Matt Soper and State Senator Jerry Sonnenberg join AFP-CO State Director Jesse Mallory for a conversation about what to expect in 2022 legislative session.
AFP-CO Poll Identifies Gas Fee Unpopular Amongst Coloradans
Coalition Voices Opposition to Gas Fee
Coloradans Approve Prop 117, Strengthen TABOR
Yes on 117; no to death by a thousand fees
Coloradans Approve Prop 116, Lowering Tax Burdens on Coloradans
Proposition 116 would help families and small businesses
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Colorado currently ranks as one of the best states for access to health care! Unfortunately, that ranking is in jeopardy as politicians continue to expand government-run health care even though our state government can’t manage our current Medicaid program. Every Coloradan deserves access to quality, affordable health care that best fits their unique needs. It’s time we Reimagine Health Care and remove the barriers standing in the way of an improved healthcare system for all Coloradans.
Occupational licenses are “permission slips” the government requires individuals to obtain in order to work in certain professions. Occupational licensing laws make it harder for Coloradans to begin a new career doing what they love. According to a November 2018 study by the Institute for Justice, these regulations cost our state over $5.6 billion in economic growth and more than 57,000 jobs while doing little to protect public health and safety. Our elected officials should follow the lead of states — such as Mississippi and Arizona — and reduce these barriers to create more opportunity and #LetColoradoWork.
Colorado’s Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, or TABOR, helps keep state spending in check and helps keep our economy strong by permitting voters the opportunity to approve any proposed tax increases or any new, excessive fees. Despite its overwhelming support, politicians and special interests have worked tirelessly to circumvent TABOR by utilizing loopholes to increase state spending. This past November, Coloradans overwhelmingly passed Proposition 117, which strengthens TABOR by helping to close the “fee loophole.” Our elected officials must stand on the side of Coloradans in their support for transparency, accountability, and sound governance and #ProtectTABOR
Great education policy recognizes the uniqueness of each child – that they all have different interests, talents and needs. What works well for one child may not work for another and that’s why Colorado families need educational freedom. Unfortunately, compared to neighboring states, we are falling behind in the options available to our students. We encourage our elected officials to promote innovation in education and support legislation that will strengthen our educational options for families and students across the state.
Colorado’s energy industry is a driving force in our growing economy, and our elected officials must reject energy mandates that raise energy prices and hurt working-class households most. The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) recently voted to ban further oil and gas development, despite Colorado voters overwhelmingly rejecting a similar proposal in 2018 known as Proposition 112. Our elected officials should promote responsible energy policy that provides Coloradans the right energy mix at the lowest cost and allow responsible development of our natural resources rather than imposing restrictive bans against the will of the voters.
Thousands of Colorado families struggle with the consequences of ineffective and unjust criminal justice policies. Our prisons are becoming overpopulated, hurting families and burdening taxpayers. Reforms should focus on rehabilitation, reducing recidivism, and providing people the tools they need to successfully reintegrate into society. We urge our elected officials to pass reforms to help keep us safe, reduce recidivism, and promote second chances.
Elected officials in Colorado must remain focused on the well-being of all Coloradans – whether it’s expanding choice in education and health care, reforming our occupational licensing and criminal justice laws, lowering taxes or promoting responsible energy policy, our elected officials should help drive economic growth and opportunity for all Coloradans to reach their full potential.
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