ICYMI: The Biden-Harris border crisis undermines legal immigration  

Sep 4, 2024 by AFP

The disastrous Biden-Harris border crisis turned American public opinion against all immigrants— including those who came legally.  

According to the latest AP poll, only 40% of Americans believe skilled immigrants are a major benefit to the country, and 32% think legal immigrants are criminals. 

The blame for this backlash rests with the Biden-Harris administration and its mismanagement of the worst border crisis ever 

 In his latest op-ed for National Review, Akash Chougule, AFP vice president and a son of immigrants himself, explained it best:  

“The Biden-Harris administration has dramatically weakened support for legal immigration by overseeing an unprecedented surge in illegal immigration.”  

The numbers back Akash’s conclusion.  

Since February 2021, 9 million people have illegally crossed the southern border. Americans are (rightly) outraged at the government’s inability to enforce our laws. Some are souring on the very idea of immigration, with many on the right now believing legal immigrants are bad for the country. 

They are wrong. Legal immigrants are critical for America’s success and prosperity. As Akash writes:  

“Halting legal immigration would threaten our country no less than unfettered illegal immigration does. Our country needs legal immigrants like my dad who will build up our country and communities. Immigrants are essential to filling worker shortages in everything from manufacturing to medicine.”   

If we want America to be the land that receives the world’s best and brightest, the next president and Congress need to prioritize securing our border. 

We have the policies to do that, and Americans overwhelmingly support them. 

We only need Congress and the Executive to act. 

Learn more about AFP’s efforts to secure the border here