FORT COLLINS, CO — Americans for Prosperity-Colorado will hold a grassroots awareness event this Thursday, September 15, to highlight the “True Cost of Washington” and its impact on hardworking Coloradans.
Washington’s reckless spending and crushing regulations have Coloradans paying more and getting less. Inflation in Colorado is nearly 15.4% – the highest in the nation and a $937 per month cost per household. Yesterday’s Consumer Price Index found grocery prices in August rose 13.5%, the highest increase since March 1979.
That’s why AFP-CO will be rolling back the price of gasoline to $2.38, the price per gallon on the day President Biden took office. To highlight this stark difference, and the true cost of Washington’s policies, AFP will roll back the price of gasoline to $2.38 for the one-hour-long event or for the first 100 vehicles at the GASAMAT station on Vine Drive in Fort Collins.
WHO: Americans for Prosperity-Colorado Deputy State Director Antonette Smith
WHEN: Thursday, September 15, 2022, 10:00 to 11:00 am
WHERE: GASAMAT – 1054 W Vine Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80521
MEDIA RSVP: For members of the press interested in covering the event, please contact Caitlin Gallagher,, or (206) 402-8432.
BACKGROUND: The True Cost of Washington Campaign
AFP’s The True Cost of Washington campaign will inform Americans about the truth behind rising costs while offering real solutions to make everyday life more affordable. Thanks to skyrocketing inflation, Americans across the country can expect to spend an extra $5,200 to maintain the same standard of living as last year, and an extra $1,433 for gasoline.
A poll recently conducted by Public Opinion Strategies for AFP found that 75% of Americans reported that the increase in costs has impacted their consumer behavior over the past year. Most individuals surveyed agreed that government policies and regulations have caused price increases. 61% of those surveyed blamed President Biden for this increase.
AFP’s solutions to combat these rising prices garnered support, with 88% of respondents agreeing the government should make it easier to produce energy domestically, and 82% agreeing with getting government spending under control by tackling the federal debt and reducing federal budget deficits.
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