Budget Misses Mark on Fiscal Responsibility

May 25, 2019 by AFP
  1. PAUL, MN – Following the budget’s passage in the legislature, Americans for Prosperity-Minnesota (AFP-MN) today issued the following statement:

“It was unfortunate it took a special session to finish their work, but Minnesotans will be better off now that Legislators left billions of dollars of unsustainable tax increases and spending proposals out of the final budget. Although we are thankful that the gas tax increase was rejected, Minnesotans will face even higher health care costs due to the reinstatement of the provider tax,” said Jason Flohrs, AFP-MN State Director. “No taxes should have been increased with a billion-dollar budget surplus. We will continue to engage with Minnesotans and activists around the state and advocate for needed budget reform and spending restraint that will enable our communities to thrive and prosper.”


During the session, AFP-MN advocated for rejecting the gas tax increase and provider tax. The grassroots group has issued mail, run digital ads, and called and texted Minnesotans encouraging them to tell their lawmaker to oppose reinstating the gas tax and provider tax.

Governor Walz’s High Tax Budget Continues Fiscal Mismanagement, 2/19/19

AFP-MN to House HHS: $750 Million Provider Tax Makes Health Care More Costly, 4/2/19

AFP-MN to Legislators: Reject $1 Billion Tax and Fee Increases, 4/3/19

Transportation Omnibus Bill Punishes Minnesotans with Higher Taxes on Gas, Everyday Items, 4/28/19