surpreme court with people walking up the steps

AFP Thanks Justice Kennedy for Service, Urges President Trump to Nominate Fair and Qualified Justice for SCOTUS Vacancy

Jun 25, 2018 by AFP

Grassroots group ready to mobilize activists in support of fair and qualified SCOTUS nominee

Arlington, VA – Following news of the retirement of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, Americans for Prosperity’s Vice President of Judicial Strategy Sarah Field issued the following statement:

“For 30 years, Justice Kennedy has played a pivotal role on our nation’s highest court, and we thank him for his service and for his dedication. Across the federal courts, President Trump continues to nominate fair, experienced judicial nominees who will respect the rule of law and won’t seek to legislate from the bench. Now faced with a vacancy on the highest court, we encourage President Trump to build on that success by nominating a Supreme Court Justice in the spirit of Justice Neil Gorsuch – a nominee who will respect the rule of law, interpret the Constitution as written, and not seek to advance a political agenda.”

The Supreme Court protects the equal rights of all Americans, which is critical to a free society. Earlier this year, AFP announced that the organization will educate its activists on the importance of a fully-functioning judiciary and engage its grassroots activists with calls, door knocking, events, mail and more to advocate for the confirmation of nominees who will respect the rule of law. AFP will also continue its work supporting fair and qualified lower court nominees, mobilizing its activists throughout the confirmation processes.



AFP’s grassroots partner, Concerned Veterans for America, engaged heavily in support of fair and qualified judges in 2017. The veterans advocacy group launched a project, Defend The Courts, dedicated to mobilizing activists to defeat needless obstruction of fair and qualified nominees. The group was also instrumental in confirming Justice Neil Gorsuch, making a historic and unprecedented grassroots effort that included over half a million calls, three waves of direct mail, digital ads, meaningful coalitions, and targeted web ads in 12 states.

For further information or to set up an interview, please send an email to

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) exists to recruit, educate, and mobilize citizens in support of the policies and goals of a free society at the local, state, and federal level, helping every American live their dream – especially the least fortunate. AFP has more than 3.2 million activists across the nation, a local infrastructure that includes 36 state chapters, and has received financial support from more than 100,000 Americans in all 50 states. For more information, visit
