AFP MN Praises Senate for Protecting Taxpayers and Lowering Health Care Costs

Apr 30, 2019 by AFP

ST. PAUL, MN – Americans for Prosperity-Minnesota (AFP-MN) today commended the Senate for passing the Omnibus Tax and Omnibus Health and Human Services Finance bills. The tax bill includes an income tax cut and a tax credit scholarship program that expands educational opportunities for low and middle-income students in the state, while the HHS bill upholds the repeal of the provider tax and protects families from additional government-imposed costs on their health care.

View AFP-MN’s key vote letter on the omnibus tax bill here.

View AFP-MN’s key vote letter on the omnibus finance bill here.

“At a time when Minnesotans are facing numerous tax hikes, it is welcoming to see the Senate focus on pro-growth policies that put money back in the hands of Minnesota families and businesses. These bills are a complete 180 from proposals in the House that would massively increase taxes and health costs, hinder economic growth, and send a clear signal to employers that Minnesota doesn’t want them to grow or set up shop here,” said AFP-MN State Director Jason Flohrs. “We thank the Senate for rejecting regressive tax increases that punish low and fixed income Minnesotans and creating more opportunities for thousands of students to attend a school that works best for them. We urge the House to pass these bills and help ensure fiscal stability and responsibility is restored in St. Paul.”


Read State Director Jason Flohrs’ op-ed on Governor Walz’s proposed budget and the importance of fiscal stability here.

According to the Tax Foundation, Minnesota already has one of the worst individual tax climates in the country.

Governor Walz’s High Tax Budget Continues Fiscal Mismanagement, 2/19/19

AFP-MN to Legislators: Reject $1 Billion Tax and Fee Increases, 4/3/19

Transportation Omnibus Bill Punishes Minnesotans with Higher Taxes on Gas, Everyday Items, 4/28/19