Americans for Prosperity Press Release

AFP: Budget Resolution Out-Of-Step With Americans

Aug 24, 2021 by AFP

Arlington, Va. – AFP President Tim Phillips issued the following statement in response to congressional leaders’ successful efforts to sneak the $3.5 trillion budget resolution into a procedural vote instead of bringing it to the floor for an up or down vote. Speaker Pelosi had previously tried this maneuver Monday evening but failed following pushback from some Democratic members.

“Congressional leaders knew that the only way to pass Sen. Sanders’ budget was by sneaking it into a procedural vote and even then, it came close to collapsing. That a shell budget resolution, which could have passed on a simple party line vote, gave Democrats pause underscores just how removed the multi-trillion-dollar tax and spending spree is from the interests of the everyday American.

“This $3.5 trillion monstrosity will replace America’s economy and the entrepreneurial spirit with top-down, command-and-control mandates from Washington. Americans for Prosperity will not allow that kind of government takeover to go unnoticed.

“We intend to engage every one of our activists across the country, elevate their voices, and send a loud and clear message to Congress and the Biden administration that this vision is vastly out-of-step with the American people and will leave lasting damage in its wake.”


AFP had issued a Key Vote Alert urging lawmakers to vote against S. Con. Res. 14, Sen. Sanders’ FY2022 Budget Resolution.

In May, Americans for Prosperity launched a campaign, “End Washington Waste: Stop the Spending Spree,” to oppose the $4+ trillion combined “infrastructure” package. The campaign has so far produced more than 1.5 million letters to elected officials. The breadth of this campaign should signal to lawmakers that Americans want a better path forward. Instead, AFP has advocated an alternative approach focused on empowers individuals, families, and businesses and rebuilds physical infrastructure by:

  • Preserving federal dollars for targeted construction projects of a national priority.
  • Ending the practice of spending gas tax revenues on non-highway projects.
  • Unleashing private investment in infrastructure assets.
  • Returning power and responsibility to the states wherever possible.
  • Overhauling the regulatory and permitting system to modernize infrastructure reviews and reduce project costs.
  • Eliminating costly and unfair labor restrictions.