We all want a modern, efficient national infrastructure system that allows us to move about the country safely and quickly.
But will trillions in wasteful spending paid for by historic tax increases get us there faster? Especially when less than 5 percent of this $4 trillion spending package would go toward traditional infrastructure?
There’s a better route for us to take. Keep reading to learn why the president’s plan would put America in reverse.
95 percent of the money will go somewhere other than traditional infrastructure such as roads and bridges.
This package would increase taxes by more than $2.75 trillion, lowering workers’ wages, increasing prices for consumers, and crushing small businesses just now getting back on their feet.
To spend $4 trillion over eight years, the plan calls for 15 years of tax increases that wouldn’t come close to paying for the spree.
It would cost more than $800,000 for the plan to create one job.
The plan includes $1 trillion in tax carveouts for well-connected businesses and special interest programs.
Nearly 85 percent of the businesses targeted by the proposed tax increases are small businesses and mom & pop shops employing fewer than 20 people.
The plan calls for a $400 billion expansion of government-controlled home health care, costing taxpayers between $400,000 and $4 million per person given access.
We’d be left with expanded top-down government control over industries from every corner of the economy, including manufacturing, health care, energy, technology, and more.
Grassroots engagement reveals Americans aren’t buying Washington’s wasteful spending
AFP’s ‘End Washington Waste: Stop the Spending Spree’ hits 1 million letter mark
How farming and agriculture would be hurt by White House “infrastructure” plan
Here’s a breakdown of how Washington’s “infrastructure” package would attack worker freedom
How the president’s “infrastructure” package would hurt our health care
Would America’s small businesses be hurt by the president’s “infrastructure” plan?
Americans for Prosperity activates grassroots in support of spending restraint
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