TOPEKA, Kan. – Americans for Prosperity-Kansas (AFP-KS) responded to a report released by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) that ranks Kansas forty-first for economic outlook. The 13th Edition of Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index ranks every states’ economic outlook based on fifteen policy variables like tax rates and labor policies.
“This report reaffirms what Kansans know to be true: we’re taxed too much and have little to show for it except a struggling economy and significant outbound migration,” said AFP-KS State Director Elizabeth Patton. “We need lawmakers to take steps to reverse this negative trend starting with tax relief for Kansas families, lowering the regulatory burden so people can get back to work, and addressing out of control spending that has ballooned our state budget by 49% in the last ten years. On behalf of thousands of Kansans across our great state, we stand ready to work with leaders and lawmakers to lower the tax burden and increase opportunity in Kansas.”
Utah and Texas, states that have embraced low tax policies, topped the list for economic outlook and economic performance.
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