Americans for Prosperity Press Release

AFP Issues Key Vote Alert Against H.Con.Res. 11, “Shell” Budget Resolution

Feb 2, 2021 by AFP

Arlington, Va. – Americans for Prosperity (AFP) issued a key vote alert urging members of Congress to oppose H.Con.Res. 11, the “shell” concurrent budget resolution for FY2021.


View Key Vote Alert Here


In the key vote letter sent to lawmakers, AFP Chief Government Affairs Officer Brent Gardner writes:

Dear Member of Congress,


On behalf Americans for Prosperity activists in all 50 states, I write urging you to vote “NO” on H.Con.Res. 11, the “shell” concurrent budget resolution for FY2021.


Taken at face value, the resolution takes an irresponsible approach to budgeting and should be rejected on those merits alone, failing to include any meaningful deficit reduction efforts to improve our country’s long-term fiscal outlook and opening the door for reckless spending that will prolong the economic downturn and grow our national debt to $41 trillion in just ten years.


But the budget resolution shouldn’t be mistaken for a serious attempt at budgeting – it is an empty “shell” bill that lawmakers intend to use to pass President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID spending proposal, which fails to accomplish the key goals of defeating the virus and recovering stronger, while also piling up debt and imposing counterproductive policies that would hurt the people who need the help.


Any COVID relief spending during these extraordinary times should be considered on its own merits and be timely, temporary, and targeted to those hit hardest by the pandemic. Instead, this package ignores bipartisan calls for more targeted alternatives that reduce the burden on future generations and is instead packed with wasteful spending for long-standing partisan priorities that have no place in a COVID response package and do nothing to help end the pandemic or help the economy recover stronger: $350 billion to bail out state and local governments for decades of irresponsible decision making, a doubling of the minimum wage to $15 per hour at a time when many businesses are struggling to meet payroll and thousands are out of work, and direct payment checks that aren’t targeted to those most in need.


A vote for this budget resolution is rubber stamp for the same kind of fiscal irresponsibility that we know will do nothing to help us emerge stronger while driving our country even deeper into debt with no end in sight.


This legislation will make our country weaker and we urge every member of Congress to oppose it. There are better ways to ensure our country recovers stronger than before.


We urge you to vote “NO” on H.Con.Res 11. This vote will be included in our legislative scorecard.




Brent Gardner

Chief Government Affairs Officer

Americans for Prosperity