Senator Chuck Grassley tells Tim Phillips and Casey Mattox that Judge Barrett is well-qualified for the Supreme Court

Oct 19, 2020 by AFP

Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips and Senior Vice President of Legal and Judicial Strategy Casey Mattox met with Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley last week over Facebook Live to discuss the confirmation hearing of Judge Amy Coney Barrett. 

Senator Grassley, a member of the Judiciary Committee, has asked the nominee questions during the hearing. She’s well qualified for a seat on the Supreme Court, he said. 

“First of all, she’s got a remarkable record, whether it’s being a law student, first in her class, at Notre Dame, being a tenured professor at Notre Dame, clerkships with [Judges] Silberman and Scalia,” the senator said. “Just think what that is, to get somebody on the Supreme Court that clerked with Scalia.” 

Later, Mattox asked Senator Grassley what he was excited for the American public to see during the hearing. 

The senator replied that the nominee would be coming to the Supreme Court without an agenda and would act as a judge, not as a legislator.  

On the second day of the hearing, Judge Barrett replied in response to a question from Senator Lindsey Graham about the meaning of originalism, “I interpret the Constitution as a law, that I interpret its text as text, and I understand it to have the meaning that it had at the time people ratified it. So that meaning doesn’t change over time, and it isn’t up to me to update or infuse my own policy views into it.” 

With Senate confirmation hearings becoming more contentious and partisan, Phillips asked Senator Grassley what made him confident that this qualified nominee could be confirmed and that the country could move forward. 

The senator noted that the United States has a long history of adhering faithfully to the Constitution and respecting the rights it enshrines.  

“Long term, and for 240 years, [we’ve abided by] the principle of limited government, where the Constitution is to protect the citizens from their government, and that we get our rights from God, not from government,” he said. 

Make sure to tell your senators: Vote “yes” on Judge Amy Coney Barrett!