Americans for Prosperity Rolls Out 2022 Legislative Agenda

Nov 3, 2021 by AFP

CHARLESTON, W.Va.— Americans for Prosperity-West Virginia (AFP-WV) today unveiled the group’s updated Path to Prosperity policy roadmap. The Path to Prosperity is a comprehensive policy agenda that embodies the must-do, bottom-up solutions that will change the state’s status quo and help our fellow Mountaineers reach their full potential.

Launched in 2018, the policy agenda seeks to elevate and amplify voices of West Virginians across the state who want to remove the barriers holding them back. AFP-WV Looks forward to continuing to work with policy champions across the aisle to transform the Mountain State.

Click here to view AFP-WV’s Path to Prosperity

AFP-WV State Director Jason Huffman issued the following statement:

“Policy champions at the state level have heeded the call from West Virginians to stop tinkering around the margins and boldly enacted policies that are transforming our state into a better place to live, work, and raise a family. While the recent work of the legislature has taken enormous strides toward breaking down the barriers holding our citizens back from living their version of the American Dream, now is not the time to rest on our laurels.

“As politicians in Washington argue over yet another reckless spending spree, West Virginia is leading the way with real bottom-up solutions. AFP-WV will focus our efforts on increasing educational opportunities for our children, expanding access to reliable health care, reforming our criminal justice system, and continuing reigniting our economy so every West Virginia family and business can thrive. We stand ready and look forward to working with lawmakers to rapidly advance principled solutions to the biggest issues facing our great state.”