Americans for Prosperity-Montana Celebrates Passage of Criminal Justice Reform Legislation, Praises Senators Tester and Daines

Dec 19, 2018 by AFP

BOZEMAN, MT – AFP-Montana celebrated the Senate’s passage of the FIRST STEP Act, criminal justice reform legislation that will enhance public safety, provide a second chance to hundreds of thousands of people who’ve paid their debt to society, and save taxpayer dollars. The Montana grassroots group thanked Senators Jon Tester and Steve Daines for voting for this groundbreaking, bi-partisan legislation.

“What a gift during the holiday season to see lawmakers come together to pass criminal justice reforms that will increase public safety and give a second chance to those who’ve earned it,” said AFP-Montana State Director David Herbst. “The FIRST STEP Act is a crucial first step toward breaking the cycle of incarceration, bringing families together, and creating strong communities. It’s great to see Senators Daines and Tester united on such meaningful legislation.”


  • Americans for Prosperity issues Key Vote Alert in support of the First Step Act
  • The FIRST STEP Act requires the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to place inmates no more than 500 driving miles from home, helping spouses, parents, and children more practically visit their family members behind bars and making it easier for inmates to reintegrate into society upon release.
  • Fixes a mistake in federal law to ensure that all well-behaved prisoners not serving life sentences can accrue 54 days of “good time credit” off their sentences per year, instead of the 47 per year that 178,000 inmates currently receive.
  • Directs the BOP to let low-risk low-needs inmates serve home confinement for up to 6 months of the end of their sentences.
  • Retroactively applies the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010, which reduced the crack-cocaine sentencing disparity from 100:1 to 18:1, to current inmates sentenced before 2010.
  • Expands eligibility for the federal “safety valve” (18 U.S.C. § 3553(f)) to keep more low-level drug offenders from incurring mandatory minimums meant for high-level drug traffickers, creating more proportional punishments.