Groups urge swift action by President Trump
Arlington, VA – Following the House of Representatives’ vote to pass right-to-try legislation this afternoon, Americans for Prosperity, Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce and The LIBRE Initiative praised Congress for their bipartisan efforts to grant hope to the tens of thousands of terminally-ill patients and their families who so desperately need it.
Americans for Prosperity Chief Government Affairs Officer Brent Gardner issued the following statement:
“Thanks in large measure to the leadership of Speaker Ryan, Majority Leader McCarthy, Majority Whip Scalise, and Chairman Walden, along with Senator Johnson, right to try is soon to be a reality for tens of thousands of terminally-ill patients and their families. This bipartisan legislation was simply the right thing to do and a matter of common sense. Patients facing the dire circumstances of a terminal diagnosis don’t have time to waste waiting for Washington regulators to act; right to try will make it easier for these patients to access experimental medications and treatments that could potentially save their lives.
“We applaud Congress for passing this important legislation. President Trump has been a great champion on this issue, and we urge him to quickly sign it into law.”
Freedom Partners Executive Vice President Nathan Nascimento issued the following statement:
“Though 40 state legislatures have passed right-to-try laws of their own – many with unanimous consent – federal legislation remained critical to ensure the FDA and other federal agencies do not interfere with the implementation of state law. Congress today rightly removed those regulatory burdens in order to give thousands of terminally-ill patients and their families hope.
We enthusiastically applaud them for their action. President Trump has championed this issue, and we thank him for his support and hope to see him quickly sign right to try because these patients have no more time to waste.”
Kevin Hernandez, Policy Director of The LIBRE Initiative, released the following statement:
“When a patient faces a serious medical challenge, the last thing they should have to worry about is the government preventing them from pursuing medications and therapies that hold promise. When a person’s only hope is a slim hope – on an experimental treatment – that person should be permitted, in consultation with their doctor, to choose that treatment. Numerous states already allow the right to try, but for residents in the states that don’t, it remains critically important to remove that barrier as their lives can quite literally depend on it. It’s encouraging that Congress and the White House are working together to increase personal freedom for terminally ill patients and to make this a national policy.”
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