AFP-WI Commends Gov. Scott Walker for Signing ‘Right-to-Try’ Legislation

Mar 28, 2018 by AFP

Grassroots activists thank Walker, Legislature for compassionate law

New law gives terminally ill Wisconsinites the chance to improve or save their lives

MADISON, WI – Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin (AFP-WI) today applauded Governor Scott Walker for signing landmark “Right-to-Try” legislation in to law. The new law allows Wisconsinites who are battling terminal illness to access new experimental medical treatments that could save or improve their lives. The measure, SB 84, received broad bipartisan support in both the Assembly and the Senate. AFP-WI expressed special appreciation to Senator Terry Moulton and Representative Patrick Snyder for authoring SB 84 and Senator Fred Risser and Reps. Joel Kleefisch and Dianne Hesselbein co-sponsoring the measure.

Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin State Director Eric Bott made the following statement:

“This landmark law will bring new hope to Wisconsinites and their loved ones who are fighting terminal illnesses. For far too long, Wisconsinites have had to endure a slow, costly, and inefficient government approval process to receive new treatments that could improve or save their lives. Governor Walker and the state legislature deserve tremendous credit for removing these barriers and empowering people to access these promising treatments. Our activists thank Sens. Moulton and Risser and Reps. Snyder, Kleefisch, and Hesselbein for working in a bipartisan manner to advance this humane, compassionate legislation and giving new hope to people who need it most.”


The FDA drug approval process is cumbersome and faces many bureaucratic hurdles. The process can take up to 15 years. For the select few who are selected for clinical trials under the FDA’s Compassionate Use Program, the application process is expensive, complicated, and lengthy.

Wisconsin’s U.S. Senator Ron Johnson has long been a champion of Federal Right to Try and is currently working to send his legislation to President Trump’s desk for his signature.