AFP-UT Thanks Lawmakers for Voting to Keep Taxes Low, Government Small

May 10, 2018 by AFP

Statewide campaign thanks legislators that voted for lower taxes, better healthcare options

Salt Lake City, UT — Americans for Prosperity-Utah (AFP-UT) launched a direct mail and digital campaign this week thanking lawmakers who voted to keep taxes low, limit regulation, and implement better healthcare options for Utah families. AFP-Utah commends their principled stances and admirable efforts to make the Beehive state a place where individuals, families, and businesses can thrive.

“These lawmakers took principled stands against tax increases, more regulation, and expanding a broken Medicaid system under Obamacare. We applaud their courage and thank them for working to find the best ways to allocate our state’s limited resources to meet Utahn’s most critical needs,” said AFP-Utah state director Heather Williamson, “There’s more to be done to ensure lower taxes and better healthcare in our state. But with lawmakers like these leading the charge, the future is bright.”

The mailers, released across the state, points to “No” votes on three bills:

  • HB 293: An unnecessary property tax increase that will cost hard working Utahn’s nearly $130 million by 2023.
  • SB 136: A sales tax increase that could take an additional $115 million from Utah taxpayers. Additionally, Utah drivers will pay nearly $6 million more in vehicle registration fees in 2020.
  • HB 472: A bill that expands Medicaid under Obamacare. Utahn’s should have high-quality care at low costs. But expanding Medicaid will have the adverse effect and serve only to crowd out finite resources for vulnerable people who really need it.

Last week, AFP-Utah launched another campaign to hold legislators accountable for voting to grow the size of the government and raising taxes on Utah families.

AFP-UT will soon be releasing its 2018 legislative score cards. Each year AFP’s policy team assembles a comprehensive analysis of every vote by every state legislator and whether they voted for freedom or for fiscal servitude. The votes spotlighted in the newly released mail and digital campaign will be included in the 2018 legislative scorecard.

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