AFP-South Dakota Asks Senator Rounds to Support the FIRST STEP Act 

Dec 3, 2018 by AFP

SIOUX FALLS, SD—Americans for Prosperity-South Dakota (AFP-SD) issued a statement today asking Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD) to support a bipartisan effort to reduce crime and recidivism, make federal sentencing laws more just, and help people who deserve a second chance through the FIRST STEP Act.

AFP-SD is encouraging Sen. Rounds to support the FIRST STEP Act with digital ads on social media platforms across the state. View an example of the ads here.

AFP-SD State Director Don Haggar issued the following statement:

“The FIRST STEP Act has received wide bipartisan support and our activists are hopeful that Senator Rounds will get this bill to the president’s desk as soon as possible. This legislative milestone will reduce recidivism by giving people who paid their debt to society the tools to become contributing members of their community when they return. We ask Sen. Rounds to help make South Dakotans safer and create second chances by supporting the FIRST STEP Act.”


Senator Rounds has previously spoken out on criminal justice reform issues, particularly on the issue of mandatory minimum sentencing.

President Trump, senators from both parties, and major law enforcement groups like the Fraternal Order of Police all endorsed the FIRST STEP Act last week.

The House of Representatives passed the FIRST STEP Act earlier this year.

Freedom Partners recently released a national poll showing that over 80 percent of voters approve of the FIRST STEP Act.

For further information or an interview, reach Nicole Tardif at or (571) 329-0161.