AFP-MN Testifies Before House Judiciary on Criminal Justice Reform

Aug 5, 2020 by AFP

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Americans for Prosperity-Minnesota’s State Director Jason Flohrs on Wednesday testified before the House Judiciary Committee on the need for ongoing criminal justice reform, specifically reforming the state’s civil asset forfeiture laws.

Click here to view AFP-MN’s testimony

AFP-MN State Director Jason Flohrs issued the following statement:

“The legislature made an important initial effort during the last special session to reform the criminal justice system, and Americans for Prosperity is dedicated to ongoing efforts to ensure our institutions provide equal justice for every Minnesotan under the law. We believe the reform package the Judiciary Committee discussed today will focus law enforcement’s use of civil asset forfeiture on individuals who pose a legitimate threat to public safety and will better safeguard the civil liberties and constitutional rights of Minnesotans.

“We’re excited to work with legislators to continue the important work of addressing structural barriers to good policing like civil asset forfeiture, and we will continue to educate Minnesotans on the need for further justice reforms.”


AFP-MN to House: Protect Property Rights, Pass Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform, 3/11/19

Throughout the summer, AFP-MN has hosted educational webinars and radio conversations about important policing and criminal justice reforms, and launched a statewide digital ad effort to encourage constituents to contact their lawmakers on these issues.