AFP Leads Coalition in Cheering Passage of Lower Energy Costs Act, Urges Senate to Move Swiftly

Mar 30, 2023 by AFP

ARLINGTON, VA—Today, a coalition of 19 organizations led by Americans for Prosperity applauded the House passage of H.R. 1, The Lower Energy Costs Act.

Americans for Prosperity, Heritage Action, FreedomWorks, Advancing American Freedom, Concerned Veterans for America, National Taxpayers Union, Independent Women’s Voice, The LIBRE Initiative, Cornwall Alliance, Roughrider Policy Center, Energy & Environment Legal Institute, Rio Grande Foundation, The Heartland Institute, 60 Plus Association, Caesar Rodney Institute, John Locke Foundation, American Commitment, Heartland Impact, and American Energy Alliance issued the following joint statement:

“We commend the House for passing this landmark legislation to unleash America’s energy abundance. From day one of this Administration, President Biden has stifled the businesses and communities that fuel our country with the heavy hand of government mandates, taxes, and overregulation. Americans are paying the price for the Biden Administration’s war on energy. Historic inflation is forcing families to spend more on everything from gas to groceries, and the high energy prices driving inflation are hitting the lowest income households the hardest.

“Americans need Congress to stand up to the Biden Administration’s inflationary agenda and reverse the damage done by Biden’s failed energy policies. Today’s passage of The Lower Energy Costs Act marks an important step toward addressing the high costs Americans are facing. The Lower Energy Costs Act will streamline the permitting process to fast track the construction of energy infrastructure projects throughout our nation. The plan will repeal nearly $30 billion of taxpayer-funded handouts to politically preferred industries and activist groups. It will lift barriers to energy production to allow companies to put people to work and bring affordable energy to families across America.

“More energy means more prosperity for every American. We urge the Senate to make The Lower Energy Costs Act a top legislative priority and swiftly repeal the harmful policies that stand in the way of an abundant supply of American energy.”

Earlier this month, organizations led by Americans for Prosperity sent a letter to Speaker McCarthy applauding the introduction of The Lower Energy Costs Act. Tune in here to see Majority Leader Steve Scalise discuss the plan at AFP’s Virtual Radio Row on Capitol Hill.