ICYMI: How Certificate of Need Laws CON Rural Patients Out of Healthcare

Jun 14, 2024 by AFP

Writing in STAT News today, Americans for Prosperity’s Sofia Hamilton and Americans for Prosperity Foundation’s Thomas Kimbrell explain how certificate of need laws (CON) deny access to quality and affordable health care – especially to people in rural areas.

“States with these laws have 30% fewer rural hospitals and 13% fewer rural ambulatory surgical centers,” the authors write.

CON laws require a state government to approve the establishment or expansion of health care facilities, services, or equipment. These certificates are essentially a government-mandated permission slip that individual health care providers, physician groups, hospitals, and health systems must obtain before they are allowed to care for patients.

“Essentially, CON laws empower bureaucrats to decide what health care services are offered, instead of that decision being driven by patients’ needs,” the authors explain.

“Maintaining CON regimes at the behest of incumbent providers will only enrich their bottom lines at the expense of the health and safety of rural communities,” Hamilton and Kimbrell conclude.

Click here to read the full op-ed at STAT News.

PS: Did you know that repealing CON laws are part of Americans for Prosperity’s Personal Option health care initiative? Learn more at PersonalOption.com