ICYMI: AFP-WI Supports NTEC, Holds Press Conference with Legislators

Apr 1, 2024 by AFP

Superior , WI — On Thursday, Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin (AFP-WI) and the Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) hosted a press conference in Superior to show support for the Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC).

The Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC) is a proposed 625-megawatt natural gas plant in Superior that would create economic opportunity and reliable energy for our community and across the state. It was originally approved by the state in 2020, however, regulatory proceedings, challenges in court, and reviews have put the project on hold.

Rep. Tom Tiffany (WI-07), State Ren. Romaine Quinn (R-Cameron), and State Rep. Angie Sapik (R-Lake Nebagamon) joined Megan Novak, AFP-WI State Director and Scott Manley, WMC Executive Vice President of Government Affairs. Also present were Brent Ridge, CEO of Dairyland Power Cooperative, and Kate Van Daele, Senior Communications Advisor of Cenovus Superior Refinery.

Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin State Director Megan Novak issued the following statement:

“Reliable and affordable energy is what powers the American dream. As the premier grassroots organization, we’ve heard from Wisconsinites in every corner of the state that this American dream is slipping away for so many.

“We need solutions and projects like NTEC that will not only bring affordable and reliable energy to the region, but also create economic opportunity, jobs, and community growth for Wisconsin. When we get government out of the way and prioritize policies that create a competitive economy, worker freedom, more jobs, and community development, we know that prosperity is possible.”