AFP-WV Releases 2025 Pathway to Prosperity Agenda

Jul 8, 2024 by AFP

CHARLESTON, W.Va.—Americans for Prosperity West Virginia (AFP-WV) released, today, an update to the group’s Pathway to Prosperity Legislative Agenda. Coming off several crucial primary election wins, the update reflects policy areas in need of significant reform in both the short and long-term. The goal of the policies is to expand freedom and opportunity for all Mountaineers.

“While the recent work of the legislature has taken enormous strides toward breaking down the barriers that hold our citizens back from truly thriving, now is not time to rest on our laurels. Instead, we must come together to double down on rapidly advancing freedom and opportunity to create more prosperity for every West Virginian. This is how we expand the American Dream in the Mountain State,” said State Director Jason Huffman.

AFP-WV Top Agenda Items:

  • Expand Education Freedom
    • To double down on West Virginia’s national leadership in education innovation, policymakers should seek to expand the Hope Scholarship to all school aged children while also increasing flexibility in our education system.
  • Fix Health Care
    • Health care is too expensive and too complicated. To transform health care in West Virginia, we must fully repeal all Certificate of Need (CON) to usher in new, quality services for all Mountaineers.
  • Lower Taxes and Spending
    • To help Mountaineers afford their version of the American Dream, policymakers should continue to reduce taxes and spending so every West Virginia family can keep more of their hard-earned paychecks.
  • Regulatory Reform
    • Policymakers must continue to fight back against President Biden’s federal overreach, as well as unelected state bureaucrats that threaten our way of life. State lawmakers should boldly, but thoughtfully, cut needless red tape.

“We will be leveraging our signature grassroots approach, alongside a strong six figure spend, to build the groundwork for the needed policy changes to come. This means connecting with thousands of West Virginians at their doors to bring people together behind proven policy solutions. Our staff and activists are ready to go,” said Deputy State Director Crescent Gallagher.

Since 2018, AFP-WV has released its Pathway to Prosperity Legislative Agenda to represent a bold roadmap for principled lawmakers seeking to rapidly transform the Mountain State through proven reforms. Click here to view the agenda or visit