AFP-SC Civil Asset Forfeiture Social Toolkit

Feb 1, 2021 by AFP

Civil Asset Forfeiture is a policy that is used by the government to take and keep your property, even without charging or convicting you of a crime.

Right now, the status quo is on defendants to prove their property’s innocence in order to keep it from permanently belonging to the government. This is wrong. The burden of proving guilt rightly belongs to the prosecution, not innocent property owners who currently carry this costly and complicated responsibility.

Use the tools in this digital toolkit to advocate for suspending South Carolina’s Civil Asset Forfeiture laws and ensure South Carolinians get the due process they deserve.

Take Action 

  1. Tell your Lawmakers to end civil asset forfeiture by signing this petition.
  2. Personally ask 10 of your friends to also sign this petition.

Spread the Word

Share these online resources on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram with below sample copy to share on your social media channels!

Civil Asset Forfeiture is a policy that is used by the government to take and keep your property, even without charging or convicting you of a crime.
This is absurd.
Sign our letter to lawmakers: End Civil Asset Forfeiture!

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