AFP-NM Police Reform Social Toolkit

Aug 26, 2020 by AFP

The brutal killing of George Floyd is only the latest glaring example of the injustices that for too long have been present across society and government institutions. This tragedy, along with others that came before it, should serve as a catalyst for long-overdue change that can help bring our state closer to equality and justice for every citizen.

Now is our chance to pass meaningful and targeted state-based reform of police practices. We have an opportunity to tell our lawmakers to focus on removing structural barriers to good policing, transform police culture, and eliminate unnecessary criminalization. Together, these solutions will help increase trust, accountability, and transparency for law enforcement, helping them do their jobs effectively and keeping us safe.

Use the tools in this digital toolkit to advocate for the reforms we need to keep us safe, and mend the rift between our law enforcement and the community they protect.

Take Action 

Join the movement and add your voice to ours! Our petition demands targeted and meaningful reform to policing practices that punishes abuses, but breaks down the barriers for quality police work and good conduct. While these reforms alone will not fix every injustice, they are an essential start if we are to live up to our shared ideal of equal justice for all.

Spread the Word

Share these online resources on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram with #SupportPoliceReform. Use the below sample copy to share on your social media channels!

Recent police-involved tragedies have highlighted the need for reform to ensure equal justice. Let’s hold bad officers accountable, while elevating the voices and actions of good officers. Sign this petition to signal your support of policing reform.

Recent police-involved tragedies have highlighted the need for reform to ensure equal justice. Let’s hold bad officers accountable, while elevating the voices and actions of good officers. Sign this petition to signal your support of policing reform: #SupportPoliceReform

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