Americans for Prosperity announces its 2022 policy agenda to empower people to create a stronger future

Jan 26, 2022 by AFP

Americans are anxious. They are worried about COVID-19, government overspending and its impact on inflation, and the future of American democracy.

A thriving, adaptable society is the foundation of our well-being.

To achieve this vision for our country, Americans for Prosperity’s 2022 federal policy agenda, Empowering People, Emerging Stronger, presents a series of key priorities that will help unlock the potential of every American by reimagining the role of government and enabling people to drive progress.

In 2022, Americans for Prosperity’s policy agenda will focus on five pillars:
  • Building a thriving economy
  • Restoring Congress’ policymaking leadership
  • Providing a personal option for health care
  • Ending a failed approach to addiction and substance use
  • Strengthening and modernizing America’s immigration system

By focusing on these five pillars, together we can empower everyone to build a stronger, more prosperous future.

Building a thriving economy

Preserving economic opportunity means Congress must keep debt and taxation in check and workers must be free to seek the jobs that match their needs.

More than 4.5 million people left their jobs in November. Congress must ensure employers have the flexibility to offer job choices by approving the Modern Worker Empowerment Act, which preserves Americans’ ability to work on an independent basis. The Working Families Flexibility Act gives employees more options for overtime compensation.

Congress also needs a more coherent budget process.

One idea is to create a unified budget for all spending. There are currently 12 discretionary spending bills and hundreds of billions more in “mandatory” spending that’s on autopilot. A unified budget would reveal tradeoffs across fiscal policies and help reduce overlap.

Lawmakers also must stop picking tax code winners and losers.

The state and local tax (SALT) deduction, for example, largely benefits affluent people in high tax states and encourages higher state government spending. Congress should eliminate this deduction. It also should make permanent pro-growth provisions like low marginal rates and full and immediate expensing.

Restoring Congress’ policymaking leadership

When Congress is slow to act, presidents from both parties have turned to the regulatory state.

Congress must take back lawmaking power by reforming that system, resisting top-down environmental and climate rules, and removing barriers to housing and economic mobility.

Options include:

Providing a personal option for health care

The United States leads the globe in health care innovation. We must preserve that advantage and ensure patients have access to the clinicians they know and trust.

Competition, innovation, and consumer empowerment are the only sure ways to reduce costs, expand access, and improve quality.

Lawmakers should provide a personal option for health care, which would remove barriers that impede access to care by, among other things:

  • Expanding access to telehealth services
  • Reducing licensing burdens so providers can work anywhere
  • Creating new ways for patients to pay for health care, such as expanding health savings accounts.

Ending a failed approach to addiction and substance use

America spends more than $46 billion in taxpayer money annually to maintain our criminal-justice-first approach to addiction and substance use.

The results of that spending?

  • No significant impact on trends in the use of illicit drugs or the black market
  • Overdose deaths continue to rise
  • Law enforcement agencies increasingly shift resources toward drug enforcement efforts instead of toward their core mission, solving and preventing property and violent crime.

There are better solutions.

First, we need to restore state autonomy over cannabis policy with the States Reform Act.

We also need to end unjust sentencing practices, a goal we can advance with legislation such as the EQUAL Act.

Finally, we should remove barriers to true second chances with bills like the Begin Again Act and the Driving for Opportunity Act.

After decades of trying the same tactics without improved results, it is time for our country to approach the problems of addiction and harmful substance use differently.

Strengthening and modernizing America’s immigration system

According to a 2020 MIT study, immigrants are about twice as likely than a native-born resident to start a new business. Our country should be open to those who are searching for opportunities to contribute and responsive to the demand of U.S. families and businesses

Border security and legal immigration are not competing objectives, but complementary ones.

Congress must pair border security reforms with legislation that provides a pathway to permanent legal status for current undocumented immigrants and that expands visa programs so more immigrants can come to the United States.

Download AFP’s 2022 federal policy agenda today.