SIOUX FALLS, SD – Americans for Prosperity South Dakota (AFP-SD) on Friday hosted a virtual conversation with South Dakota Senior Senator and U.S. Senate Majority Whip John Thune—alongside AFP National President Tim Phillips and AFP-SD State Director Don Haggar—to discuss what South Dakotans can expect next from the U.S. Senate, an update on Speaker Pelosi’s recently passed proposal bailing out state and local governments, and what a better federal response might look like.
AFP-SD State Director Don Haggar issued the following statement:
“We are encouraged by Senator John Thune’s leadership to protect taxpayers by opposing the massive $3 trillion spending package. South Dakota’s taxpayers should not have to bail out fiscally mismanaged state governments. Instead, Congress should help clear the way for people to get back to work and get businesses back up and running to ensure that South Dakota emerges stronger.”
You can view the event with Sen. John Thune here.
Sen. Thune said this about making temporary red tape relief efforts permanent:
“Some of the regulations with respect to health care policies, that were designed to deal with the pandemic, I think make sense in the long term…the use of telehealth and telemedicine is an increasingly important part of health care delivery in this country. We want to make it easier not harder, less expensive not more expensive to deliver health care. Easing some of the regulatory burden there makes a lot of sense. Not temporarily, but permanently.”
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