Grassroots group dismayed by senators’ attempt to scrap short-term, limited duration health insurance
CONCORD, N.H. – Americans for Prosperity-New Hampshire (AFP-NH) today criticized Sens. Shaheen and Hassan for voting to end health coverage for thousands of Granite Staters.
Both New Hampshire senators voted to deprive millions of Americans across the country from accessing affordable, quality health care plans. The vote on S.J. Res 63 comes just one week after the Trump administration’s expansion of these flexible, short-term health care plans went into effect – an effort to help millions of Americans who have been priced out of Obamacare’s unaffordable costs while leaving other Obamacare plans untouched.
“Many Granite Staters are trapped under Obamacare’s rising health care costs and need options that are affordable and work for them. Our senators have said they will work to fix Obamacare, but instead of helping increase Granite Staters’ access to affordable plans, they tried to force Granite Staters to continue paying for Obamacare’s unaffordable, one-size-fits-all plans,” said AFP-NH State Director, Greg Moore. “Granite Staters need more affordable healthcare options, not less. We are extremely disappointed that our senators voted to deny putting consumers in charge of their health care and keep D.C. in charge of our health care.”
Short term, limited duration insurance plans are vital escape valves for the millions of Americans hurt most by Obamacare. Free from Washington’s one-size-fits-all mandates, these plans provide consumers the flexibility to purchase insurance that best fits their needs at costs they can afford.
Granite Staters who receive no taxpayer subsidy and have Obamacare have seen average premium increases of 52 percent this year.
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