NASHVILLE, TN – Americans for Prosperity held a tele town hall with U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn yesterday on the $3 trillion spending package introduced in the House of Representatives and why Congress needs to reject this attempt to bail out cities and states for years of fiscal irresponsibility.
Recently, AFP launched a national grassroots campaign to mobilize grassroots activists against yet another potential trillion dollar federal spending bill. The grassroots group also recently hosted tele-town halls with U.S. Sens. David Perdue, Ron Johnson, Todd Young and Rick Scott on state bailouts.
AFP-TN State Director Tori Venable issued the following statement:
“Taxpayers need to open their eyes. Speaker Pelosi’s $3 trillion-dollar boondoggle bailout isn’t about helping Americans with pandemic relief. The bill is a partisan wish list for items unrelated to pandemic response that shifts more power and control to the federal government. It will undermine our economic recovery by replacing determination with dependence and push our country as close to a fiscal crisis as we’ve ever been.
“Lawmakers need to reject this bill that only puts economic recovery farther away, further fueling reckless spending and irresponsible policies.”
Senator Blackburn said this about the spending package:
“There are three trillion reasons for me to oppose this bill and the bill Nancy Pelosi brought forward will never see the light of day in the US Senate.” (18:45)
Senator Blackburn also stated that Tennesseans shouldn’t be punished for other states’ fiscal irresponsibility:
“We manage our books. We do not carry debt. It is not fair ask hard working taxpayers in Tennessee to go in and pay for a bailout for a state like California, or Illinois, or Kentucky, or New York that has chosen to run up debt and not manage their books.” (29:30)
Earlier this week, Americans for Prosperity released, Recover Stronger: A Starting Point to Build An Economy that Works for All, a set of principles and recommendations that offer lawmakers a starting point to build a stronger economy as the country recovers from COVID-19. As Congress considers additional massive spending bills, the guidance is intended to present better alternatives to help the economy recover – and ultimately create a new, stronger economy.
For further information or an interview reach Tori Venable at
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