Sen. Ernst and Rep. Carter Tell Biden to ‘SUBMIT IT’ Before SOTU

Feb 7, 2024 by AFP

Arlington, VA – Americans for Prosperity applauds the new ‘SUBMIT IT’ Act introduced by Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) to stop presidents from flouting the law with missed deadlines if they want to use the Capitol Building for a State of the Union address.

On Monday, President Biden once again missed the deadline mandated by law to submit his budget request and national security strategy to Congress. The ‘SUBMIT IT’ Act says enough is enough—Congress won’t keep inviting presidents to give their State of the Union speeches until they submit their budget and security proposals on time.

The president’s budget request and national security strategy are due to Congress on the first Monday in February. These proposals inform Congress and the American public of the president’s fiscal and national security priorities. They provide critical information for Congress to begin its annual budget and appropriations process, evaluate revenue and spending measures, and manage the nation’s debt.

AFP’s Senior Fellow in Fiscal Policy Kurt Couchman said:

“It is imperative for Congress to have the president’s proposed budget and national security strategy on time so the congressional process can start on time and be more likely to conclude successfully. Over the past several decades, presidents’ budget and defense proposals have been delayed more and more as missed deadlines have become an ever-more common symptom of the breakdown of the budget process.

“Congress and the American people deserve the opportunity to see and evaluate the president’s requests in a timely manner. Yet under President Biden, the dysfunction has only gotten worse – with Biden’s budget proposals arriving a notable 115, 49, and 31 days overdue.

“No president should get to use the Capitol Building for a speech with millions of viewers without first submitting these crucial legal requirements to Congress. Presidents don’t have the right to give a State of the Union speech to a joint session of Congress. It is a privilege. We commend Sen. Ernst and Rep. Carter for this proposal to set appropriate terms and conditions to remind President Biden that Congress calls the shots when it comes to the constitutional powers of the purse.”

Click HERE to read Couchman’s op-ed at the Daily Caller.

Click HERE for AFP’s agenda to fix the broken budget process.
