As a professional staff member for the House Education and Labor Committee, Akash Chougule worked to stop the Protecting the Right to Organize Act. Now, as a senior advisor to Americans for Prosperity, he’s still working to block the anti-worker PRO Act from becoming law.
The bill, which the House passed last week, “would upend more than 70 years of established law to achieve its singular goal of tilting the playing field in favor of union organizers, against workers, employers, and the economy as a whole,” Chougule wrote in an op-ed in The Hill.
In the last Congress, when he was on the committee staff, the Education and Labor Committee held three separate hearings on the issues addressed by the bill. The panel considered three dozen amendments. This time around, there was no hearing. The measure went straight to the floor and was rushed to a vote with almost no opportunity to offer amendments.
That leaves it up to the Senate to stop the bill.
“Rather than make it easier to get back to work, the majority bypassed the legislative process to ram through another partisan bill — this time, one that would impose billions of dollars in costs on small businesses and deprive workers of basic rights and choices,” Chougule wrote.
“The PRO Act is one of the most economically damaging bills ever considered by Congress, and the House rushed it through as we attempt to recover from a once-in-a-generation economic crisis.”
Read the whole thing in The Hill.
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