Please Vote “No” on S-675: Burdensome Licensure

Jun 18, 2018 by AFP

Letter in Opposition to S-675: New Burdensome Occupational Licensure

Monday, June 18, 2018

Dear Chairwoman Pou and Members of the Senate Commerce Committee:

On behalf of Americans for Prosperity – NJ, our tens of thousands of activists across the state and our 3.2 million activists across the nation, I respectfully urge you to please vote “No” on S-675, which would unnecessarily require an occupational license to perform drama therapy and create unnecessary barriers to opportunity in the marketplace.

According to the Institute for Justice, New Jersey already licenses 54 low to moderate income occupations, including everything from hair braiders to milk samplers. The requirements of these licenses serve to restrict competition, leading to higher prices for those with licensees and restricted opportunity for those without. As a result, New Jersey currently has the 16th most burdensome licensing laws in the nation. By extending this sprawling licensing regime to drama therapy, S-675 will lock new workers out of the industry at the expense of the people of New Jersey. Consumers will pay for the constricted labor supply in the form of higher costs from these providers, who will be able to raise their prices with impunity, with no measurable improvement to their safety. Far from benefiting the state of New Jersey, this bill will only enrich special interest groups at the expense of everyone else.


License to Work 2: A National Study of Burdens from Occupational Licensing | The Institute for Justice

Occupational Licensing: A Framework for Policymakers | The Obama White House

Even today, occupational licenses drive up costs for the average American family by more than $1,000 in every year. Given the damage already caused by our licensing regime, why should we expand it? For many young people, these restrictions could spell the difference between getting a promising start in the labor market or moving back in with mom and dad.

This bill serves no legitimate or defensible purpose in protecting the health and safety of the public. Instead, it is an almost perfect example of the way licensing requirements are sought by special interests to protect their market share and keep out new competitors. Licensing is an inappropriately restrictive tool for regulating drama therapy, and blocking this legislation will continue to allow perfectly capable practitioners in New Jersey to safely practice it without paying their competitors for permission. I respectfully urge you to please vote “No” on S-675 to protect worker freedom in New Jersey.

Should you have any questions or wish to discuss further, please feel free to reach out at or 862-229-4953. Thank you in advance for your consideration.






Erica L. Jedynak

New Jersey State Director

Americans for Prosperity