Grassroots group opposes gas tax increases, cites new study Missouri drivers would be hit hard
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Americans for Prosperity (AFP) and Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce (FPCC) released a new report highlighting the damage a 25 cent gas tax increase would cause on a state-by-state basis, ranking Missouri as the fourth hardest hit in the nation. Earlier this month, the White House proposed a massive infrastructure plan that would be funded in part by a 25 cent gas tax increase, raising the federal tax from 18.4 cents per gallon to 43.4 cents per gallon. The burden of the gas tax is would not only be felt at the pump by everyday Americans and will also ripple through the economy, driving up the cost of transporting goods and services on our nation’s roadways. If enacted, the tax would be the largest rate hike at the pump in history.
The reports shows the proposed tax would increase Missouri’s gas tax burden by 70 percent, the third highest increase by percentage in the country and force households to pay an extra $330 when filling up.
The state Senate has also introduced a bill for consideration that would raise the state gas tax by 10 cents per gallon. SB 734 has been referred to the Senate Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee. This proposed rate increase was not considering in the AFP/FPCC report.
“Asking Missourians to pay more at the pump and send more money to Washington, D.C. is the wrong approach to fixing the nation’s infrastructure,” said AFP-Missouri State Director Jeremy Cady. “The federal government should pursue reforms to prioritize infrastructure projects and eliminate wasteful spending from the well-over three trillion dollars in revenue they will consume.” Cady continued, “Asking every-day Missourians to pay more at the pump would eat into much of the the savings they received from the recently enacted tax cuts.”
We urge the legislature to continue their focus on reducing the size of government and decreasing the tax burden on Missourians to make the Show-Me State an attractive place for businesses and families.”
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