Infrastructure Proposal Slams Brakes on Economic Recovery

Apr 20, 2021 by AFP

COLUMBIA, SC – As President Biden virtually visits South Carolina today, Americans for Prosperity-South Carolina (AFP-SC) today urged President Biden to reject a proposal of a so-called infrastructure package that has little to do with improving roads and bridges but would harm the economy and increase taxes on small businesses who are struggling to get back on their feet.

AFP-SC Interim State Director Candace Carroll issued the following statement:

“President Biden’s virtual visit to South Carolina is a dog and pony show for the most expensive plan in American history that includes some of the largest tax hikes ever. Hiking taxes while countless families and businesses are struggling from the response to the pandemic will slam the brakes on economic recovery. The allocation of taxpayer dollars in this proposal shows this is more of a partisan wish list for special interests than improving our roads and bridges. If President Biden wants to ignite our economy and improve our infrastructure, he should ensure people keep more of what they earn and unleash private investment for our infrastructure needs.”


Since the outset of the pandemic, Americans for Prosperity has advocated alternative solutions to help the economy recover stronger from the pandemic, while at the same time warning against harmful policies that would hinder recovery.

At the beginning of the year, the grassroots group also released the “Save Lives. Save Livelihoods. Recover Stronger.” policy agenda to focus Congress and the Biden administration’s attention during the first 100 days on two of the biggest challenges facing Americans: ending the pandemic and helping the economy recover stronger.