WAUSAU, WI—Over the weekend, Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin (AFP-WI) activists took their efforts to the streets of Wausau to oppose Governor Evers’ decision to veto critical tax cuts and create property tax hikes.
The activists held homemade signs referring to the Governors tax cut veto that leaves Wisconsinites virtually $36, despite the state’s historic $7 billion budget surplus, and creates a 400-year property tax-hike. AFP-WI State Director Megan Novak explained the group’s objections to the Governor’s budget, “The burden of Governor Evers’ irresponsible choices falls directly on Wisconsin’s small business owners and families. Wisconsinites deserve a flat tax that allows them to keep their hard-earned money to live out their American dream.”
Activist Jamiroquan Kittler said, “I came out today because AFP makes sure the people have a voice and are seen. Governor Evers’ reckless spending decisions and creation of a 400-year property tax hike is irresponsible and frankly, Wisconsinites cannot afford it.”
This year, Wisconsin experienced the largest budget surplus in Wisconsin state history, reaching over $7 billion. Legislators passed a version of the budget last month that recognized this surplus and included a $3.5 billion tax cut to benefit Wisconsin families and businesses. As a partial veto, Governor Evers gutted the historic tax cut to only $175 million, reducing much needed relief for Wisconsinites.
This legislative session, AFP-WI has advocated for the implementation of a flat tax and property tax cuts, and endorsed flat tax legislation.
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