Denver, Colo. – After the House Committee on State, Veteran, Military Affairs voted to defeat occupational licensing bills SB 193 and SB 236 this week, Americans for Prosperity-Colorado (AFP-CO) issued a statement calling on the committee and House Speaker Crisanta Duran to support legislation that reduces barriers and expands opportunity for Coloradans. Both bills would have represented substantial improvements over the current occupational licensing system. SB 263 would have required the department to “recommend only the least restrictive regulation necessary to address the harm.” SB 193 would have prohibited state agencies from imposing “a personal qualification requirement in order to engage in a profession or occupation unless the agency can show that the requirement is demonstrably necessary and narrowly tailored to address a specific, legitimate public health, safety, or welfare objective.” SB 236 passed the Senate with bipartisan support.
Shortly after receiving the engrossed bills from the Senate, Speaker Duran immediately referred them to the House Committee on State, Veteran, Military Affairs, which has a partisan supermajority, which effectively killed the bill.
AFP-CO State Director Jesse Mallory issued the following statement:
“It’s extremely disappointing members of the legislature continue to put special interests and partisan politics ahead of their constituents. Both bills would have drastically improved our broken occupational licensing system which is holding back working-class Coloradans that want to find meaningful employment and provide for the families. Coloradans depend on their elected representatives to have courage, so it’s a shame these bill didn’t get a fair hearing.”
For further information or an interview, reach Jesse Mallory at or (720) 646-2155.
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