Governor Northam Adds Substitute That Threatens Livelihoods of Independent Contractors in the Commonwealth

Apr 7, 2021 by AFP

RICHMOND, Va. – Americans for Prosperity-Virginia (AFP-VA) disapprove of the General Assembly’s decision to accept the substitute to SB1406. These last-minute changes distract from the bill’s primary objective, which was to end the harmful impacts of our current response to cannabis use. This bill would have ended criminal penalties for cannabis possession for adults 21 and older and allowed a legal market to thrive in the Commonwealth. Now, it detracts from the original goal by adding unnecessary and burdensome labor agreements that restrict worker choice.

AFP-VA State Director J.C. Hernandez issued the following statements:

“Failing to remove these last-minute additions to the bill that deviate from the original intentions in drafting it will negatively impact our communities and the economy. Virginians deserve transparency when it comes to the legislative process. This move sets a dangerous precedent legislatively that can now easily apply to future efforts concerning labor laws in our state. If signed into law, workers entering this labor market will now be forced into labor contracts that limit their freedom and choice. This blatant attack on independent contracting and worker rights won’t be restricted to the cannabis industry, and this hurried substitute shows the primary objective is to empower special interests at the expense of workers.”