Every Student Deserves Access to Educational Opportunities

Mar 4, 2019 by AFP

Grassroots group AFP-FL launches TV and digital campaign urging lawmakers to create Education Scholarship Accounts for every student

Tallahassee, FL – Americans for Prosperity-Florida (AFP-FL) is launching a significant effort to encourage lawmakers to create Education Scholarship Accounts (ESAs) for every Florida student. Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Senate have both released plans to expand educational opportunity.

AFP-FL believes that every student deserves access to the best educational opportunities possible and hopes that the House, Senate, and Gov. DeSantis lead on the remarkable opportunity ahead of them to empower all families and kids across Florida.

View the TV ad here

The AFP-FL ad draws on key messages from U.S. presidents from different political parties, a former U.S. secretary of state, and a former Florida governor and recognized leader of the education opportunity movement. All of these individuals have approached education policy reforms differently, they all believe that every child deserves a quality education and that policy reforms must put children first.

AFP-FL State Director Skylar Zander released the following statement:

“We’re committed to working with anyone who believes that the status quo in education can be improved, and that your ZIP code and income shouldn’t determine your educational outcomes. We applaud Governor DeSantis and the Senate for taking significant first steps to creating more opportunity for all students. Educational Scholarship Accounts, for every child, would ensure that parents and students have access to a variety of tools and resources that will lead to every child unleashing their unique potential.”


A new statewide survey shows that  78 percent of Florida voters agree that every family should be able to decide where to send their children to school. More than half of respondents believe that every student should be eligible to participate in educational opportunity programs. The survey also found that 72 percent support expanding ESAs to allow more students to thrive.

As educational opportunities have been created or expanded over the past few decades, Florida has seen a significant improvement in outcomes. According to the National Assessment for Educational Progress Florida has moved from the middle of the pack to making significant improvements in 4th and 8th grade math, and also showed statistically significant gains in 8th grade reading.

According to results reported in Quality Counts, Florida has made significant gains in education outcomes.

The current Florida Tax Credit (FTC) scholarship program has proven to be a successful tool for Florida kids. Children enrolled in the state’s largest FTC are outperforming their peers in college enrollment and “college-going rates.”

Governor DeSantis is committed to ending the waiting list for an existing educational opportunity program. There are currently 14,000 students on a waiting list.