CONCORD, NH – Following the Supreme Court’s ruling in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, Americans for Prosperity-New Hampshire State Director Greg Moore issued the following statement:
“New Hampshire’s Blaine Amendment is a tragic vestige of religious bigotry of a bygone era that needed to end. Today’s ruling in the Espinoza case is a huge step forward in restoring the equal rights for all families across the Granite State. We commend the Court for this decision and look forward to utilizing this new opportunity to expand educational opportunities to students.
“This ruling brings us one step closer to ensuring that all families can access an educational opportunity that allows students to thrive and meet each child’s individual needs. Students shouldn’t be limited in their education by their ZIP code and this moves us closer to an environment where individualized education becomes a reality.”
Last year, Americans for Prosperity and yes. every kid. filed an amicus brief with the United States Supreme Court in support of those families. Today, the court ruled in a way that guarantees those families equal access to an education that meets the child’s needs.
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