Lawmakers in Washington are reportedly making progress on a deal to impose price controls on pharmaceutical drugs, a scheme that would have disastrous consequences for cancer patients and their loved ones.
Arlington, Va. – Today, Americans for Prosperity issued a statement on reports that lawmakers in the U.S. Senate are making progress on a deal to impose price controls on pharmaceutical drugs.
“Research shows that government price controls on pharmaceutical drugs will lead to fewer new cures and, specifically, more deaths among cancer patients,” said Dean Clancy, Senior Health Policy Fellow at Americans for Prosperity. “If we want to make high-cost brand name drugs more affordable, European-style price fixing that leads to drug shortages and higher death rates is the absolute wrong prescription. The emerging Senate deal will have horrific consequences and should be shelved in favor of smarter reforms that increase access to generic drugs and end drugmaker abuses such as patent evergreening, pay-for-delay agreements, ‘brand-name generics,’ and anti-competitive use of FDA citizen-petitions.”
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“New evidence tells us the joint implementation of such price controls from Congress will raise cancer mortality substantially and stall out decades of progress to discover treatments for a devastating and personal disease.” (Dr. Tomas Philipson, President Biden’s unintended war on cancer patients, The Hill, 6/28/22)
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