Campaign Calls for Qualified Immunity Reform

Mar 1, 2021 by AFP

Americans for Prosperity-New Mexico launches robust paid and grassroots efforts around HB 4

SANTA FE, NM – Americans for Prosperity-New Mexico (AFP-NM) today announced a statewide campaign on HB 4, a bill based on recommendations from the New Mexico Civil Rights Commission that would bar the use in state courts of the qualified immunity defense and make state agencies accountable when depriving citizens of their constitutional rights.

AFP-NM has already reached thousands of New Mexicans, with nearly 2,000 contacting their lawmakers in support of the bill through AFP’s digital tool. The campaign includes radio and digital ads, direct mail, and its signature grassroots.

View mail sample here

View sample digital ad here

View the radio ad here

AFP-NM State Director Burly Cain issued the following statement:

“Effectively maintaining public safety begins with policing practices that build community trust and collaboration. Reforming qualified immunity brings us closer to this goal and ensures people who have had their civil rights violated by government actors can seek justice that they deserve.

“We are proud to support this bill that protects New Mexicans’ constitutional rights, brings accountability to wrongdoers, and strengthens our state Constitution. New Mexicans from across the state and political spectrum have shown they support this bill. We urge legislators to listen to their constituents and pass this bill that makes everyone equal under the law.”


More than 70 percent of officers themselves say that poorly performing cops are not held accountable.

AFP-NM State Director Burly Cain recently wrote an op-ed with the Innocence Project on the need for qualified immunity reform.

AFP-NM Speaks in Support of Reforming Qualified Immunity Laws, HB 4, 2/5/21

State House Passes Qualified Immunity Reform, 2/16/21