Americans for Prosperity Urges Support for Regulatory Reform Legislation

Jan 16, 2018 by AFP

HARRISBURG, Penn. – Americans for Prosperity-Pennsylvania (AFP-PA) announced support for a package of regulatory reform legislation introduced today by members in the General Assembly. Altogether, the bills would help improve the state’s regulatory culture by stopping bad regulations before they are implemented, ensuring existing regulations are systematically reviewed by proper authorities, and making sure the application of existing laws are collaborative and not punitive. AFP-PA, the state’s largest free-market grassroots organization, believes improving the regulatory culture of the state is a key step toward unleashing the state’s potential and maximizing prosperity for all Pennsylvanians.

“With a robust workforce and abundant natural resource supply, Pennsylvania has so much promise and is on the verge of unleashing its potential. Pennsylvania can be a place where businesses come to grow, thrive, and be part of our communities, but our regulatory state virtually guarantees that won’t be the case,” said AFP-PA State Director Beth Anne Mumford. “The status quo of burdensome taxes and regulations limits opportunity and discourages commercial investment. Far from realizing our dreams, we’re missing opportunities. Leaders in Washington can do all they can to eliminate barriers to prosperity and unleash the economy, but Pennsylvania won’t be poised to capitalize on those reforms until state lawmakers are willing to pass their own reforms that shed a light on government and get bureaucracy out of the way. We thank these leaders for envisioning a future that recognizes Pennsylvania’s promise and taking clear, substantive action to get us closer to that future.”

The regulatory reform package includes the following bills:

  • HB 1237: REINS Act language: Requires the General Assembly to approve regulations that have an impact of more than $1,000,000 annually
  • HB 209: Creates an independent office of repealer to review existing regulations
  • HB 1792: Gives the General Assembly the ability to repeal any regulation through concurrent resolution
  • HB 1960: Creates a regulatory compliance officer and requires agencies work with business to resolve non-compliance issues before imposing penalties
  • HB 1959: Requires state agencies to creates an online permit tracking system

For further information or an interview, reach Lorenz Isidro at or 703.887.7724 

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) exists to recruit, educate, and mobilize citizens in support of the policies and goals of a free society at the local, state, and federal level, helping every American live their dream – especially the least fortunate. AFP has more than 3.2 million activists across the nation, a local infrastructure that includes 36 state chapters, and has received financial support from more than 100,000 Americans in all 50 states. For more information, visit
