Americans for Prosperity-Utah Announces 2021 Legislative Agenda

Jan 19, 2021 by AFP

SALT LAKE CITY – Americans for Prosperity-Utah (AFP-Utah) today revealed its legislative agenda to coincide with the session’s start. The grassroots group shares the plan to highlight key areas of focus for its advocacy efforts over the coming months that will help remove policy barriers that stand in the way of Utahns reaching their full potential.

Click here to view the AFP-UT legislative agenda

AFP-Utah State Director Heather Andrews issued the following statement:

“Together, we have faced an unprecedented set of challenges over the last several months amidst the pandemic, civil unrest, and the economic shutdown. AFP-Utah remains committed to working with lawmakers to champion lasting policy reform solutions to help improve the daily lives of Utahns. We look forward to rallying our activists and working with our partners to put our state back on the path to prosperity.”

AFP-Utah’s Key Policy Areas During the 2021 Legislative Session:

1. Health Care Reform
2. Economic Opportunity
3. Free Expression
4. Criminal Justice Reform
5. Technology and Innovation
6. Educational Freedom