Americans for Prosperity Press Release

Americans for Prosperity Unveils “Save Lives, Save Livelihoods” Policy Agenda

Jan 26, 2021 by AFP

Arlington, Va. – Americans for Prosperity (AFP) released the “Save Lives. Save Livelihoods. Recover Stronger.” policy agenda to focus Congress and the Biden administration’s attention during the first 100 days on two of the biggest challenges facing Americans: ending the pandemic and helping the economy recover stronger.

The agenda outlines a two-part plan to save lives with an “all-of-the-above” approach to addressing COVID-19 and save livelihoods by getting people back to work safely and getting the economy moving again. Doing both while preventing bad policy will put us on a path to recover stronger.

The announcement launches alongside digital ads and a suite of grassroots tools to connect Americans with the benefits of these policies and will be followed by the launch of robust, targeted campaigns geared toward mobilizing AFP’s grassroots infrastructure to drive the policy outcomes outlined in the agenda and help America recover stronger.

View Agenda Here

AFP President Tim Phillips issued the following statement:

“Unless lawmakers are offered an alternative, the new Washington will adopt the same pandemic response strategies of last year that we know won’t work. The renewed push by President Biden, Majority Leader Schumer, and Speaker Pelosi to simply spend trillions more tax dollars along with unrelated items picked from a partisan wish-list shows they continue to view this pandemic as a crisis to leverage, not a problem to solve. Any COVID response spending should be timely and targeted to those hit hardest.

“The policy solutions in our agenda will protect public health and get our economy going again and all lawmakers should support them. We plan to mobilize our grassroots activists to rally broad support around this better way to save lives and livelihoods while working against damaging policies that will halt recovery – especially the $1.9 trillion for spending largely unrelated to COVID-19 already offered by the president.

“We look forward to working with lawmakers of both parties and the Biden administration to put Washington’s focus on better solutions to ending the pandemic and helping our economy recover stronger. But we will also call out bad policy when we see it – just as we’ve done consistently since this crisis began.”


Since the outset of the pandemic, Americans for Prosperity has advocated reforms to help the economy recover stronger from the pandemic, while at the same time outlining criteria for harmful policies that would hinder recovery.

The grassroots organization also launched the “Health Care Reimagined” campaign to improve access to care in light of COVID-19 and make permanent the temporary reforms governments made in response to the pandemic.