Americans for Prosperity Press Release

Americans for Prosperity Recognizes Pennsylvania Lawmakers as “Pioneers for Prosperity”

Dec 19, 2022 by AFP

Harrisburg, PA –Four Pennsylvania lawmakers were among 73 members of Congress to receive the first ever “Pioneers for Prosperity” Congressional award. Last week, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) recognized lawmakers who were policy champions in the 117th Congress, on the frontlines of opposing bad ideas and proactively advancing principles and policies that offer solutions to Americans facing barriers to their upward mobility and success.

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA), Rep. Fred Keller (PA-12), Rep. Dan Meuser (PA-09.), and Rep. Scott Perry (PA-10), were among lawmakers who stood strong and led against ill-advised legislation like the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the corporate welfare CHIPS Act, and the so-called Inflation Reduction Act. They’ve also been leaders on policy solutions around critical issues such as reforming the federal budget, increasing domestic energy production, expanding choices in healthcare, and promoting flexibility for workers.

“It is my honor to recognize these lawmakers for championing the principles of freedom and opportunity,” said Ashley Klingensmith, Pennsylvania State Director for AFP. “A special thank you to Senator Toomey and Representative Fred Keller, whose leadership will be greatly missed in the next Congress. Pennsylvanians—and Americans—are better off because of the courageousness and determination of these leaders to defend what is right and promote the values that help America succeed.”

“A ‘Pioneer for Prosperity’ is someone who goes beyond just lining up and voting the right way on each piece of legislation,” said Akash Chougule, Vice President at Americans for Prosperity. “They champion policy solutions, build winning coalitions, advocate passionately for their principles, and do what’s right even when it’s politically difficult. Leadership doesn’t always show up in a roll call or a scorecard, and in the 117th Congress – with a number of harmful bills to stand against and better alternatives to fight for – these individuals stood for freedom and opportunity for all Americans.” 

AFP tracks a wide range of issues presented to Congress and how lawmakers respond, whether that’s drafting or co-sponsoring legislation, working behind the scenes to build support, advocating back home and in Washington, DC, for their views, or standing up to powerful voices on the wrong side of the debate.