Americans for Prosperity Ohio Endorses Candidates for the Ohio State House and Senate

Jun 1, 2022 by AFP

AFP-OH will engage its grassroots activists to educate and turn out voters

COLUMBUS, OH – Americans for Prosperity Ohio (AFP-OH) today endorsed the following candidates for the Ohio State Senate and House of Representatives:

  • Rob McColley (SD-01)
  • Kristina Roegner (SD-27)
  • Chris Monzel (HD-28)
  • Matt King (HD-46)
  • Adam Mathews (HD-56)
  • Melanie Miller (HD-67)
  • Thaddeus Claggett (HD-68)
  • Susan Manchester (HD-78)

AFP-OH’s Buckeye Blueprint campaign focuses on making Ohio number one in the nation by improving economic opportunity, health care, education, and public safety. These candidates earned AFP-OH’s endorsement for their commitment to policies that help achieve these goals and improve the well-being of all Ohioans.

AFP-OH will leverage the full weight of its grassroots outreach capabilities to support the organization’s slate of endorsed candidates.

“Sens. Roegner and McColley have worked with AFP and our activists to champion policies that break down barriers to success, whether they are barriers to work and opportunity, owning property, or obtaining a quality education,” said AFP State Director Donovan O’Neil. “They have set the bar for what a policy champion should be.”

“Ohioans need leaders in the state legislature who are willing to roll up their sleeves and do the necessary work to build a bolder, better Buckeye state,” he said. “These candidates will do that hard work, and our activists are ready to work hard on their behalf.”

“AFP-OH is proud to endorse these candidates,” said AFP Deputy State Director Tim Ross. “They understand that government overreach can get in the way of Ohio businesses, workers, and families. They are committed to breaking down those harmful and unnecessary barriers to get government out of the way and to help create opportunities so people can succeed.”

Sen. Rob McColley (SD-01)

Sen. Rob McColley is a leader driving regulatory, labor, and criminal justice reform policies. He was a sponsor of legislation to cut government red tape and an advocate for occupational licensure reforms to allow workers with licenses from other states to work in Ohio. Sen. McColley has worked to expand education freedom by allowing 529 savings accounts for K-12 expenses. And he supported criminal justice reform policies, such as civil asset forfeiture and bail reforms, that protect our rights, make our communities safer, save taxpayer dollars, and provide second chances to deserving individuals.

Sen. Kristina Roegner (SD-27)

Sen. Kristina Roegner is a policy leader protecting employee rights and reducing regulations, including support for occupational licensure, prevailing wage reforms, and the right to work. She supported AFP-OH’s effort to drive model red tape reduction legislation to end harmful and unnecessary regulations. Additionally, her efforts to break down barriers spilled into healthcare, where she has been an advocate for healthcare-centric occupational licensure reforms.

Chris Monzel (HD-28)

Chris Monzel has considerable experience as a county commissioner opposing irresponsible budgets and tax increases. In the Ohio House of Representatives, Monzel will continue to support sound fiscal policies by lowering tax rates, reforming prevailing wage laws, and overhauling unproductive and unnecessary government regulations.

Matt King (HD-46)

Matt King’s passion for expanding educational freedom will benefit Ohio parents and children looking for education solutions that meet their needs. King supports the “backpack bill,” which ensures that education dollars follow and fund students, not bureaucracies. King understands that government regulations are too often obstacles to growth and opportunity, and he will work to break down those regulations that stand in the way.

Adam Mathews (HD-56)

Adam Mathews will champion policies in the Ohio House of Representatives that expand educational opportunities, such as the “backpack bill,” which allows education dollars to follow children whose parents choose non-traditional education solutions. He understands the impact that high taxes and spending have on hardworking families and he will be an advocate for fiscal policies that put families first.

Melanie Miller (HD-67)

Melanie Miller will champion policy reforms that help people work. She will support occupational licensing reforms so people don’t need a government permission slip to get a job. And she will support prevailing wage reform to reduce the cost of government construction contracts and right-to-work legislation to protect worker freedom.

Thaddeus Claggett (HD-68)

Thaddeus Claggett will champion Ohio workers when he’s elected to the State House of Representatives by supporting the repeal of unfair occupational licensing regulations and preserving right-to-work laws. He will also work to expand educational opportunities for Ohio children, so their parents can choose the best education for their children.

Rep. Susan Manchester (HD-78)

Rep. Susan Manchester has been a consistent advocate for policies that grow the economy and increase jobs, such as controlling taxes and spending, increasing budget transparency, and eliminating unnecessary and harmful government regulations. She introduced legislation to reform prevailing wage laws, which drive up the cost of public construction projects, and supported efforts to repeal occupational licensing regulations that stand in the way of jobs and business creation.

Paid for by Americans for Prosperity. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.