Americans for Prosperity-Ohio Backs Additional Policy-Focused Candidates for General Assembly

Jul 13, 2022 by AFP

Columbus, Ohio—Americans for Prosperity-Ohio (AFP-OH) today endorsed additional candidates for the Ohio General Assembly, bringing the organization’s total legislative endorsements to 11.

Today’s endorsements include Sen. Nathan Manning of North Ridgeville (Senate District 13), Rep. Darrell Kick of Loudonville (House District 98), and Tim Barhorst of Fort Loramie (House District 85).

AFP-OH endorsed these candidates because of their commitment to breaking down barriers that deny Buckeye State residents opportunities and success. AFP-OH will use its grassroots network to educate voters about the candidates and turn out voters in support of their elections in November.

AFP-OH State Director Donovan O’Neil issued the following statement:

“AFP-Ohio is proud to expand our list of endorsed General Assembly candidates who are committed to increasing opportunities for Ohioans to succeed and prosper. Even the most well-intentioned laws and regulations can negatively impact economic growth, job creation, education, and prices such as food and groceries.

“These candidates are committed to getting government out of the way, so hardworking working people across our state can build stronger, more prosperous communities. We look forward to helping them achieve victory in November and improve our state in the General Assembly.”


State Sen. Nathan Manning (SD-13)

As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Nathan Manning helped enact smart-on-crime public-safety reforms that increase the use of diversion programs for people charged with certain crimes if they complete alcohol and drug treatment programs, reduce incarceration resulting from probation violations, and other provisions that provide second chances for deserving individuals. Sen. Manning also supported regulatory reform legislation to reduce regulations by 30 percent. He is a cosponsor of legislation to phase out the state income tax.

State Rep. Darrell Kick (HD-98)

Rep. Darrell Kick has been a strong advocate of educational freedom that empowers parents to choose an education that best addresses the individual needs of their children. Rep. Kick cosponsored the Backpack Bill, which links education funds to students rather than bureaucracies, and voted to expand educational opportunity programs including scholarship funds and 529 savings accounts. Rep. Kick demonstrated courage and leadership by standing strong against wasteful and unnecessary spending.

Tim Barhorst (HD-85)

This is the second election that AFP-OH has endorsed Tim Barhorst. Barhorst’s professional experience as an employee benefits consultant and financial advisor will serve him well in the General Assembly to advance health care reforms that increase access at lower costs. He understands that government policies and regulations often create barriers to quality and affordable health care. Barhorst will support health care options that expand personal choice

and break down those barriers so people can make the best decisions about their care needs. He will also be an advocate for taxpayers through his support of tax reform and eliminating the state income tax.