Americans for Prosperity-New Jersey Applauds Gov. Murphy for Lifting Barriers to Health Care

Apr 2, 2020 by AFP

Trenton, N.J. – Americans for Prosperity-New Jersey (AFP-NJ) applauded Gov. Murphy for signing Executive Order No. 112, which eliminated several regulations that needlessly limited health care access for New Jersey residents. The order, which goes into effect immediately, includes reforms AFP-NJ had recommended in a letter sent to the governor on March 27th, including the elimination of scope of practice restrictions and the renewal of licenses for retired health care professionals.

AFP-NJ State Director Tony Howley issued the following statement:

“Increasing the supply of critical health care services is the number one priority right now. The governor’s much-needed executive order will empower more health care workers to deliver better care to more people. We applaud the governor for his swift action and encourage him to continue exploring additional ways to expand access to critical health care, such as by lifting certificate of need mandates that place unnecessary restrictions on the number of hospital beds, air ambulance, ambulatory surgery centers, CT scanners, and other essential health care needs.”

The Mercatus Center at George Mason University recently prereleased its Healthcare Openness and Access Project research paper that ranked the fifty states and the District of Columbia in terms of access to health care. New Jersey ranked 51st. Loosening regulatory restrictions that limit access to health care is a crucial step toward getting care to those in need.


AFP-NJ Encourages Governor Murphy to Take Executive Action to Increase Access to Health Care (3/27/20)

AFP Releases Guidance Memo for State-Based Reforms to Help Address COVID-19 (3/17/20)