BOZEMAN, MT – Following President Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court, Senator Jon Tester announced that he looked forward to meeting with Judge Kavanaugh but has yet to set a meeting. Senators Donnelly and Manchin have both announced they will meet with Judge Kavanaugh, but Senator Tester remains silent on the President’s highly qualified choice to fill Justice Anthony Kenney’s seat on the high court. CNN reported this week that many Senators are deliberately delaying meetings with Judge Kavanaugh to obstruct the nominee.
“Judge Kavanaugh is a highly qualified jurist with a solid record that indicates he will interpret the Constitution as written and refrain from legislating from the bench. Deliberately delaying a meeting with a qualified nominee for the Supreme Court is a cynical obstruction tactic,” said Americans for Prosperity State Director David Herbst. “If Senator Tester wants to keep his promise to ‘put politics aside and do what’s best for this nation,’ he should start by rejecting these political games and setting a date and time to meet with Judge Kavanaugh as soon as possible.”
Americans for Prosperity committed seven-figures to paid advertising and grassroots engagement in support of Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Door-knocking and phone scripts have been deployed to Montana. Just this week, activists made thousands of phone calls urging Senator Tester to vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.
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